  • 17 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Article summary

Triggers are combinations of events and handlers for those events. Most actions that carries out, such as finishing an execution, adding rows to a dataset or modifying a dictionary entry, trigger events. Using the triggers tool you are now able to listen for those events and carry out specific actions when those events are triggered.

How can I set a trigger up?
You can set up triggers in the configuration panel for the specific asset you want to work with.

The following asset types support triggers so far:

  • Run configurations
  • Datasets
  • Dictionaries
  • AutoBots

Triggers do not currently work for the **Input in Results **checkbox for Extractor robots.

You can then select the Add trigger button in order to bring up a configuration dialog for setting up the necessary event/handler pair.


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