Using Webhooks
  • 17 May 2024
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Using Webhooks

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Article summary

The webhook integration is a way of notifying your own system whenever an execution is complete - whether it failed, succeeded, or stopped.

The webhook integration also contains a payload with information about what was completed allowing you to download the results with the API and do whatever post-processing your system requires.


To set up a webhook:

  1. Navigate to the App store.
  2. Here you'll find the app called webhook.
  3. Select the Add button.

Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 11.58.35.png

  1. Here you'll need to name your app, and provide the URL to your system.



The request example at the bottom as this is a HTTP POST request to the endpoint with a JSON payload.

  1. Define or generate a shared secret that will allow you to authenticate requests going to your endpoint.

Make sure they are in fact coming from us and not someone trying to exploit your system.


When you've set up your endpoint, you can select the Test configuration button which will send an example payload to your endpoint with the type test (in the JSON object).


To debug the webhooks (e.g., see that they are being triggered when you expect them to and to see the actual payload easily) we recommend using Webhook Tester. They provide an easy setup temporary endpoint which shows you all requests made to it.

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