How to download a file using Pipes
  • 17 May 2024
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How to download a file using Pipes

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Article Summary

This is a step-by-step guide through the process of creating a Pipes robot. You can see the necessary data structures and iterate through a list of URLs to download the files represented by those URLs.

As part of the file download process you will need suitable data types and data sets.

With a suitable data type and data set available to your project, you can now create a new Pipes robot.

On the Projects screen:

  1. Select the New drop-down. z projects icon new.png
  2. Select Create new robot.
  3. Select Pipes.
  4. Enter a name for the robot.
  5. Select Create new robot.
  6. From the action menu on the right side of the page, drag the For each row in data set into the grid.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 14.12.20.png

  1. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the node.
  2. In the Data set menu, select the data set to use with the robot. If you just created a new data set for this project, select it here.
  3. In the Max. concurrency drop-down, select an appropriate number of simultaneous queries the data set should handle.
  4. Select Update.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 14.13.14.png

  1. Hover over the right side of the For Each Row action to display the row flag.
  2. Select the row flag and choose As Fields from the Transforms menu.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 14.18.28.png

  1. Enter a descriptive name for the new action in the Name field under the Edit button in the bottom.
  2. Select Update.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 14.28.45.png

  1. Hover over the right side of the As Fields action to display the flag.
  2. Select the flag and choose HTTP Request from the HTTP menu.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 14.26.25.png

  1. Enter a descriptive name for the new action in the Name field under the Edit button in the bottom.
  2. If necessary, in the URL field, enter a default backup URL.
  3. Select Update.

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 14.31.02.png

  1. Click Save, then click Close.
  2. Next, create a configuration (run) for your pipe to prepare for your first execution.

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