Connecting the Azure Blob Storage App
  • 19 Jul 2021
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Connecting the Azure Blob Storage App

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Article Summary

The Azure Blob Storage app connects your Dexi account to Microsoft's Azure Blob Storage, enabling you to use it in pipes or via triggers.

Before you can use the Azure Blob Storage app you will need to create a storage account in your Microsoft Azure Portal that is the following account type: StorageV2 (general purpose V2).

Ensure a Storage Blob Data Contributor role assignment is granted to this account.

For more information and help on Storage Accounts, take a look at the Microsoft documentation.

To activate the Azure Blob Storage App within your Dexi Account:

  1. Click Apps.
  2. Go to All Apps.


  1. Select the Azure Blob Storage App.
  2. Select Add in the right panel.


  1. In the Congfigure app screen, enter details to enable the Azure Blob Storage App to connect to your Azure portal and Storage Account.

    For all file storage apps - except Amazon S3 - you are presented with the relevant permissions that Dexi needs for the connection to the service to function.


  1. Click the Click to connect account icon. z apps icon azure_blob_storage_app connect.png

  2. Enter relevant details in the sign-in screen and select Next to enter your password.

  3. In the Stay signed in? section you can select Yes or No. Your response does not affect the app.

You can read more information about staying signed in on the Microsoft help site.


  1. You might be asked to grant permission for the app to have access to the service. If so, select Yes.

  2. Once permissions are granted you are redirected to the Configure app screen. You can see that your account has been added.

  3. Enter the name of your storage account. Ensure that it is the storage account that has a Storage Blob Data Contributor role assignment.

  4. Enter is the Blob Container Name. You do not need to create this before configuring your Azure Blob Storage app.

  5. Enter is Blob default path. You do not need to create this before configuring your Azure Blob Storage app. Ensure the forward slash / proceeds the name of the blob.

Test configuration

Once the app configuration details are complete, confirm the information is correct by selecting Test Configuration. If the test performs correctly, select Create.

If the test configuration fails, recheck entered values. If the values are correct, it could be a permission level issue set in the service. For the Azure Blob Storage app, contact the Dexi team to resolve the configuration issue.


When Test Configuration is failing while adding a trigger or adding a pipe action

  1. Go to the Apps in your account tab and try to reconnect the Azure app.
  2. Edit the Azure app and disconnect the Azure user.
  3. Once connected back, confirm it's working by clicking Test Configuration.
  4. If the test runs smoothly, select Update. The app is ready to use.

If the test configuration fails, recheck entered values of Storage Account name, Blob Container name. If the values are correct, it could be a permission level issue set for the storage account.

When Test Configuration is successful but failing to perform Read/Write operation

  1. Ensure Storage Blob Data Contributor role assignment is granted for the user you are using with the Dexi integration.
  2. Once granted, try again to set up an app under Apps in your account.

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